Archive for January, 2011
Connections on the Web: The 5 F’s
I’ve been trying to get my head around the different kinds of connections that people establish with other people and things on the Web. I need a framework, so I thought I’d try to classify some of the most popular mechanisms according to the criteria that set them apart. Step one was to identify the […]
Posted: January 23rd, 2011 under The Social Web.
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Google, H.264 and Sticking it to Apple
Google’s announcement about Chrome dropping H.264 support for the HTML5 video element caused an explosion on the Web. I must admit that I initially fell in line with the “See! Google is Evil” narrative. Many parts of the announcement just didn’t seem to make sense. Google was dropping H.264 in the name of openness, but was […]
Posted: January 15th, 2011 under Business As Usual, The Wild Web.
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Google and the Pollution of the Link Graph
There has been a lot of recent talk about Google’s search results becoming more polluted with spam over time. Matthew Ingram’s article on GigaOm did a decent job summarizing it all. Also worth reading (and not linked directly in Matthew’s post) is Jeff Attwood’s post on the way this impacts StackOverflow, a popular programming Q&A site. Most […]
Posted: January 8th, 2011 under The Wild Web.
Comments: 1
Primer: Web Servers, Web Apps, Databases and Hosting
[This post is a transplant from another blog that I have since shut down. I occasionally need to point people to a primer like this one, so I’m reposting it here.] Even as a technical person who has spent most of their career programming or managing programmers, I was pretty confused when I first dipped my toes […]
Posted: January 3rd, 2011 under Motherhood & Apple Pie.
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